Oxysept 1 step (3x300 ml)

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Article No.

Product expiry date: 2024.07

Oxysept 1 Step (3x300 ml)

Disinfecting and Neutralising System

Oxystept 1 Step delayed release tablet technology allows soft contact lenses to be disinfected and neutralised in one simple step.

Always use the specially-designed Oxysept 1 Step lens case with this system.

Instruction for use

Daily care programme

  • Always wash and dry your hands thoroughly before handling your contact lenses.
  • If recommended by your optician, you may use a separate daily cleaner.
  • Ensure that each lens is rinsed thoroughly with sterile saline solution, in order to remove all traces of the daily cleaner and to avoid excessive foaming.

Disinfecting and Neutralising

  1. Place the lenses on the correct lens case domes (L for the left lens and R for the right lens) and close the basket, taking care to avoid trapping the lenses.
  2. Fill the Oxysept 1 Step lens case to the line with Oxysept 1 Step disinfecting solution. Do not under or overfill. Then add the Oxysept 1 Step neutralising tablet.
  3. Place the holder containing the lenses into the disinfecting solution and close the contact lens case tightly.
  4. When closed, turn the lens case upside down at least three times to ensure that the inside of the case is disinfected. Ensure that the tablet has dropped back into the solution so that neutralising can begin.
  5. After a few minutes, air bubbles will form on the surface of the tablet and foaming may occur. The solution will turn soft pink, indicating that a tablet has been placed in the case, and that the tablet has started to dissolve. This pink colour does not mean that the neutralision is complete. A colourless solution shows either that no tablets has been added or that the tablet has not dissolved.
  6. For maximum comfort, leave your lenses to soak overnight, if you need faster disinfection and neutralisation then ensure that your lenses soak for a minimum of 6 hours after adding the tablet.
  7. Before removing the lenses, turn the lens case upside down to ensure full neutralisation of the lens case.
  8. Your lenses are now disinfected and nutralised and are ready to wear. After inserting your lenses, discard the used solution, rinse the whole lens case with sterile saline solution and allow it to air dry.


  • If left unopened, the lenses can be stored in the lens case for a maximum of seven days.
  • If storing your lenses for longer periods of time, please perform the complete care cycle (steps 1-7) every seven days and again before inserting your lenses.

Weekly care programme

Protein Removal

  • The proteins that occur naturally in your tear film can build up a deposit on your contact lenses during normal wear. These deposits can reduce wearing comfort, vision and lifespan of your lenses.
  • Where required, the weekly use of protein remover tablets provides optimal care for your lenses, please contact your eye care professional for advice.

Cleaning the Oxysept 1 Step lens case
To ensure optimal lens case hygiene, you should clean the lens case weekly as follows:

  • Fill the empty Oxysept 1 Step lens case with Oxysept 1 Step solution and close (do not add neutralising tablet).
  • Leave the Oxysept 1 Step lens case upside down on its lid whilst you wear your lenses (avoid contact with surfacea that could be affected by hydrogen peroxide).
  • You may use the solution remaining in the Oxysept 1 Step lens case to disinfect your lenses. Add a neutralising tablet as usual.


All instructions must be followed. Failure to follow these instructions could cause serious eye infections or injury.
Ensure that you only use the specially designed Oxysept 1 Step lens case to allow oxygen generated during neutralisation to disperse.


  • Do not use if the tamper evident seat is broken or missing.
  • Only use with the specially-designed Oxysept 1 Step lens case.
  • Do not use Oxysept 1 Step Disinfecting and Neutralising System for hard or rigid gas permeable lenses,
  • Do not use if allergic to any of the ingredients.
  • If eye irritation occurs discontinue lens wear remove your contact lenses and consult your contact lens practitioner.
  • Always ensure that the Oxysept 1 Step neutralising tablet has dissolved fully (colouring the solution a soft pink tone) and that bubbling has stopped, before putting your lenses into your eyes. If the Oxysept 1 Step neutralising tablet has not fully dissolved repeat the disinfection and neutralisation steps.
  • Do not re-use neutralised Oxysept 1 Step solution or sterile saline solution.
  • Leave your lenses in the solution for a minimum of 6 hours after adding the tablet.
  • In order to prevent contamination, never touch the tip of the bottle.
  • Close the bottle tight, immediately after use.
  • Do not use the Oxysept 1 Step lens case if visibility dirty or mouldy.
  • Do not rinse your contact lenses or the Oxysept 1 Step lens case with tap water.


  • Do not put unneutralised Oxysept 1 Step solution or solution containing a protein removal tablet directly into the eye. DO NOT insert your contact lenses directly into your eyes if they have just been removed from un-neutralised Oxysept 1 Step solution or solution containing a protein removal tablet. Should this happen, remove the lenses immediately and rinse the eye with water.
  • Do not swallow the solution or the tablets.
  • Do not use it after the expert date.
  • Oxysept 1 Step neutralising tablets have a mottled pink colour. Do not use tablets that are dicoloured, soft, sticky or irregular in appearance.
    Do nut crush the Oxysept 1 Step neutralising tablet. If a crack occurs in the coating, the tablet may begin to neutralise the Oxysept 1 Step disinfecting solution before adequate disinfection occurs.
  • Len Plus OcuPure saline solution must not be used for cold disinfection


  • Store at room temperature, in a dry place
  • Keep out of reach of children


  • Discard any remaining Oxysept 1 Step disinfecting solution 60 days after opening the bottle.
  • Discard any remaining Lens Plus OcuPure saline solution 90 days after opening the bottle.
  • Discard your used lens case and replace with a new Oxysept 1 Step lens care at least every 3 months.

Hydrogen peroxide - 3.0%
Catalase (0.1mg/tablet)
OcuPure Preservative - 0.005%

Contents of the box:

  • 3 x 300 ml Oxysept 1 Step liquid
  • 3 x 30 tablets

STERIL A - Steril Aseptix technique
CE 0123

Manufacturer: AMO Ireland
Oxysept 1 Step are trademarks of Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision Inc.

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